Friday Presentation
19th October 2007
Based on the concept of Group C’s LU Future project as well as Global Classroom, a forum has been chosen as the source to enable Global Education around the world while the forum acts as a Global Classroom for anyone from LimKokWing University of Creative Technology around the world. I am going to design this forum together with Shanon Oh Chih Siang and Aaron Wong Kher Wei in order for this to become a success while different roles have been divided amongst us to work on different areas of the forum. The forum’s navigation outline will be drawn before proceeding.
While working on designing and producing the forum, we will cooperate with Nadia and Justin in producing a Global Calendar while aiding and guiding them when it comes to technical difficulties such as when using Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. The calendar will then be applied in the forum as a symbol of integration and globalization.
Our aim is to produce and design an effective forum that acts as a global classroom for our class and for the future of LimKokWing University of Creative Technology without having to meet face to face.
Mostly Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator will be used to work on the web design as I am more familiar with these soft wares. Sites like deviant art, you tube, blogspot, cg society etc will be link to the forum so that viewers will be able to view the shared video and informative source
A navigation outline for the forum will be drawn first to get things more organized. The theme is then decided to determine the overall colour of the forum. In this case, the colours red and blue has been chosen as it represents London’s Tube System to represent LimKokWing London as the central office of the other LimKokWing Campuses around the globe.
A sketch will then be drawn when designing the buttons, web banner, navigation bar, and icons etc. Later, images will be produced using Adobe Photoshop to give it effects and enhancement. Flash based interaction will then be produced and applied on the forum after the overall design of the web layout.
Production Roles are:
Tan Choon Xuan – Web Designer / Illustrator
Aaron Wong Kher Wei – Web Organizer / Web Designer
Shanon Oh Chih Siang – Programmer / Animator
While working on this, Justin and Nadia would be designing the Global Calendar which will then be produced using Adobe Photoshop after sufficient research has been done and most cultural celebration has been noted and recorded into the Calendar. Upon completion of the Global Calendar, it will then be added in the forum as part of the navigation for students from all over the world to celebrate events together online using the chat box system which will be implemented while students celebrating the actual event itself can upload pictures and videos of the event while sharing their experience and learning from one another.
The Global Calendar acts as a medium to connect different students from different region as well as to exchange cultural practice while being able to learn more of other cultures to widen their thoughts and view. As such, it brings great importance for the Global Classroom.
Upon designing the Global Calendar, the three that is working on the forum will help design the Global Calendar for it to suit the theme of the forum as well as to suit every other celebration as well. As such, it is most probable that a neutral colour will be chosen while having different striking colours applied on different icons representing its respective cultural events.
(click to enlarge the image)
Forum Flow Chart


- forum theme > London Underground Tube > Red & Blue > Navigating the City
- portfolio website > add in light music ( packaging design)
- balance
- friendly user